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Recent Music
Wind Orchestra
Wind Orchestra with Soloist(s)
concerns about the wind ensemble repertoire being more about effects, technical difficulty, and incestuous formulas than beauty and expressive opportunities for players that demonstrate the maximum potential for expression by the performers. I found Mr. Alcalde’s work to have significant musical depth through unashamedly and refreshingly beautiful melodies within a strong formal structure. The harmonic imagination was fresh within a traditional framework, the contrast of rhythmic drive was inspired, and the orchestration maximized the idiomatic capabilities of the instruments while challenging the best of players.
Perhaps most notable, the aforementioned were structured for ingenious ebb and flow of emotion, seldom belaboring a theme and always leading to musical impact that reached the musical intellect of the players at their highest levels along with an accessibility that reached audiences from the musically trained through the casual listener. About the music of Antón Alcalde, one of my favorite living composers.
Thomas P. Rohrer, Ph.D. Professor of music & director of music education, Department of Music of Utah State University, United States.
“... Alcalde’s talent for orchestration does not go unnoticed. He successfully makes the Ensemble Vigo 430 feel like a cohesive whole while simultaneously highlighting specific sounds and incorporating unique timbres, such as blowing through the f-holes of the violin…”
David Santana, critique in “Codalario” (Music Magazine) on the occasion of the world premiere of “Anatomías del abismo” at the prestigious “35th Young Composers Award by the SGAE-CNDM Foundation.”
Antón Alcalde wins the first prize at the prestigious 'XXXV Young Composers Award SGAE-CNDM Foundation'.
© 2024 SGAE, Fundación Autor.
"Antón Alcalde, oficio y honestidad" (Antón Alcalde: Craftsmanship and Honesty)
Interview by Manuel Pacheco for the “Fulfilled Promises” section of the music magazine Melómano, on the occasion of the “XXXV Young Composers Award SGAE-CNDM (National Center for Musical Diffusion) Foundation.”
Press Release:
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